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Freedom Faith Coaching

I spent over 20 years as a Pastor and Pastoral Counselor before transitioning to become a Professional Coach. I received my training and earned a diploma from The Institute For Life Coach Training. Afterward, I earned a Professional Certified Coach credential through the International Coach Federation and a Certified Health and Wellness Coach credential from WellCoaches. I have coached and counseled 100s of people through every type of spiritual situation such as: hopelessness, helplessness, emptiness, loneliness, bondage, spiritual abuse, conflict, sadness, grief, relationships, lack of life and career direction, professional goal attainment, business decisions, and spiritual leadership. I use a method I call Freedom Faith Coaching .

Confidential Freedom Faith Coaching acknowledges that there is Power through God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to set you free and give you victory. The coaching is not legalistic and focuses on the Grace of God. There is already a lot of condemnation out there and people don't need more of it from spiritual leaders. They need guidance that is full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

For a Confidential Consultation Email: [email protected]

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